
Unlike traditional psychotherapy, hypnotherapy and meditation, HARTnotherapy™ works directly with the heart, not the mind, to heal.

H.A.R.T. stands for Heart, Alpha, Resonance, Technique. The human heart has been scientifically proven to have memory independent of the brain. Due to its complex nervous system, it was termed the “little brain” by Dr. J Andrew Armour a world-renowned neurocardiologist in 1991.

H.A.R.T is a science-based process which reconnects people with the deepest level of energy (the quantum field) that exists within all things – including your very own intelligent heart, where who you REALLY ARE resides. This opens people up to the inner world of emotional and relationship mastery, intuitive guidance and self-love leading to a more heart-based, connected, fulfilled life and better relationships. Unlike traditional psychotherapy, hypnotherapy and meditation, HARTnotherapy™ works directly with the heart, not the mind, to heal. Nine out of ten of Nick’s clients report a significant improvement in their relationships and wellbeing after using his service.

stone tower

What Can HARTnotherapy™ Treat?

  • Stop smoking (guaranteed)
  • Anxiety
  • Phobias
  • Food addiction
  • Emotional Eating
  • Binge eating
  • Gambling
  • Low confidence
  • Turbulent relationships

Clients of this service receive:

  • Face-to-face sessions at Sydney office
  • Customised integrative MP3’s based on your situation
  • Follow-up sessions as required (these are rarely required)
  • Relevant educational material including eBooks, PDF’s and guidance videos 

Due to current demands, Nick Terrone has limited time slots available for private clients. Please feel free to reach out one of our team members to enquire today.

Introducing Confidence Cultivation™!

ATTENTION SYDNEY AUSTRALIA: Now you can master the art of unstoppable personal resilience in a safe and supportive small group workshop! Each workshop is capped at a limited number and every workshop is custom tailored to unique anonymous circumstances and delivered at fantastic group rates. Click the link below to check availability.

HeartMath® is a registered trademark of Quantum Intech, Inc. For all HeartMath trademarks go to www.heartmath.com/trademarks. Names and faces have been altered to protect the privacy of the clients.

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